The Illuminance Grand Family
Gwen Payne, Worthy Grand Matron
Tim Hollifield, Worthy Grand Patron
Terry Massaro, Associate Grand Matron
James "Mike" Nichols, Associate Grand Patron
Betsy Nibeck, PGM, Grand Secretary
Carol Howard, Grand Treasurer
Darlene Greene, Grand Conductress
Dana Tippens, Associate Grand Conductress
Brenda Reed, Grand Chaplain
Heather Dowdy, Grand Lecturer
Laura Hollifield, Grand Marshal
Mary Cone, Grand Organist
Julie Hobbs, Grand Adah
Jean Ruthruff, Grand Ruth
April West, Grand Esther
Laurel Ashworth-Neill, Grand Martha
Dee Nichols, Grand Electa
Toney Greene, Grand Warder
Benjamin Hill, Grand Sentinel
Charles "Chuck" Burroughs, PGP, Grand Parlimentarian
Tami Awe, Personal Secretary to WGM
Carol J. Powell, PGM, Personal Secretary to WGP
Tara Zeigler, Blue Ray of FIdelity
Jennifer Smith, Yellow Ray of Constancy
Philicia Anglin, White Ray of Loyalty
Kimberly H. Phelts, Green Ray of Faith
Claire Kirlkland, Red Ray of Love
Kristin Kicklighter, Grand Choir Director
Dean Wallace, GGCCM, Grand Drill Director
Katie McDaniel, Assistant Grand Drill Director
Ellen Daniel, Grand Chapter Nurse
Becky Wallace, Our Aviator
Keny Drescher, Our Aviator