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Friday, March 28
6:30 PM Dinner @ Harlem Masonic Lodge, 2 Recreation Drive, Harlem, GA 30814
Please RSVP to Kim Gunby by March 15. Cost is $10, pay at the door.
Saturday, March 29
11:00 AM Entertainment luncheon hosted by Honeycombs and Lucky Charms. The cost is $10.00. Pay at the door
12:30 PM Receiving Line
12:45 PM Announcements
1:00 PM Official Visit for
Martinez Chapter No. 464
Frances Bell Chapter No. 75
Cleopatra Chapter No. 241
After the Official Visit there will be a reception to honor Katie McDaniel, Grand Marshal; Kelley Flynn, Grand Electa; and Pete Coffield, ““Batman” Director of Transportation.
Storm Trooper District Grand Deputies
Heather Vaught and Nolan Vaught